Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sony and Personal Work

Oops, haven't been keeping track of the blog as much as I probably should. Well, I signed the contract with SOE so I won't be able to show any of the images I'm working on until the card set has been released, which I don't know when that will be. However, it doesn't stop me from posting personal work!

This was a character portrait done for my face to face D&D DM's wife's character. A level 7 ranger with a snake motif. I kinda feel like I need to make the snake at the bottom more obvious and larger but I dunno, maybe I'll keep her pet out of the way. I enjoyed practicing armor in the picture, though I'm wondering if it was a big deteriment not having any kind of armor reference photo. I'm not that pleased with the sleeves, they are really brushy and don't really feel like any particular type of fabric. I'll probably do some more experimenting to try to get different types of cloth.

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